Despite the rise of social media and mobile browsing, email still stands strong as a major form of both personal and business communication. Email is an essential tool and when used effectively it nurtures leads, generates sales and provides excellent customer service experiences. Badger Press offers a wide range of email services along with the knowledge needed to ensure you get the best from it.
Business Email
Email services for the average business user or tailored solutions to solve unique business problems. Instead of becoming a slave to your inbox, put email to work for your business.
Helpdesk Solutions
As your business grows a simple email inbox becomes an increasingly problematic way to manage customer service communications. Upgrade to a help desk solution to improve customer satisfaction and brand loyalty.
Email Support
Use your email with confidence and peace of mind. With assistance in setting up email accounts, performing maintenance and resolving unforeseen issues. Free up your resources and increase productivity by choosing from a tailored annual support plan or ad hoc support.
Personal Email
Do you need more from your personal email account? Present a professional image and let email work for you with your own personal email address.
Talking about email may not sound like fun, but have a quick chat with us and we'll make it work for you.
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